Sobre Nosotros

¡Bienvenidos al Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Privada María Serrana! Este espacio digital ha sido creado con el propósito de centralizar, preservar y difundir la producción académica de nuestra comunidad universitaria. Aquí encontrarás tesis, trabajos de investigación, artículos científicos, y otros materiales académicos desarrollados por estudiantes, docentes e investigadores de nuestra institución.

El Repositorio Académico Digital de la UPMS tiene como misión coadyuvar en la gestión digital del conocimiento a través del desarrollo, operación y actualización integrando los contenidos de la producción académica, investigativa y de gestión de la Universidad.
  • Incrementar la promoción, difusión y uso de la creación intelectual de la UPMS
  • Dar mayor visibilidad a la investigación académica
  • Socializar el conocimiento en la comunidad local, nacional e internacional
  • Reunir y preservar la producción académico-científica
  • our history
    We believe that finding the perfect property should be a seamless and stress-free experience. Our team of experienced agents is dedicated to helping our clients find their dream property, whether that's a new home, an investment property, or a rental. We understand that every which is why we take the time to get to know their needs. Even your job isn't on the top of your Is on the top of ours.
    We serve our clients by bang deeply Investec the success of their projects. Even your job isn't on the top of your Is on the top of ours. We can preserve your visa your budget yours. We preserve the environment and we can preserve.
    We believe that finding the perfect property should be a seamless and stress-free experience. Our team of experienced agents is dedicated to helping our clients find their dream property, whether that's a new home, an investment property, or a rental. We understand that every which is why we take the time to get to know their needs. Even your job isn't on the top of your Is on the top of ours.
    We serve our clients by bang deeply Investec the success of their projects.
    We believe that finding the perfect property should be a seamless and stress-free experience. Our team of experienced agents is dedicated to helping our clients find their dream property, whether that's a new home, an investment property, or a rental. We understand that every which is why we take the time to get to know their needs. Even your job isn't on the top of your Is on the top of ours.
    We serve our clients by bang deeply Investec the success of their projects. Even your job isn't on the top of your Is on the top of ours. We can preserve your visa your budget yours. We preserve the environment and we can preserve.
    We believe that finding the perfect property should be a seamless and stress-free experience. Our team of experienced agents is dedicated to helping our clients find their dream property, whether that's a new home, an investment property, or a rental. We understand that every which is why we take the time to get to know their needs. Even your job isn't on the top of your Is on the top of ours.
    We serve our clients by bang deeply Investec the success of their projects.
    We believe that finding the perfect property should be a seamless and stress-free experience. Our team of experienced agents is dedicated to helping our clients find their dream property, whether that's a new home, an investment property, or a rental. We understand that every which is why we take the time to get to know their needs. Even your job isn't on the top of your Is on the top of ours.
    We serve our clients by bang deeply Investec the success of their projects. Even your job isn't on the top of your Is on the top of ours. We can preserve your visa your budget yours. We preserve the environment and we can preserve.
    We believe that finding the perfect property should be a seamless and stress-free experience. Our team of experienced agents is dedicated to helping our clients find their dream property, whether that's a new home, an investment property, or a rental. We understand that every which is why we take the time to get to know their needs. Even your job isn't on the top of your Is on the top of ours.
    We serve our clients by bang deeply Investec the success of their projects.
    Equipo de gestión
    Prof. Gerardo Armando Picón
    Director General
    Prof. Natalia Céspedes 
    Coordinación de Colecciones y Datos de Investigación
    Dra. Shirley Galeano
    Coordinación de Normativa de Contenidos
    Adelina Medina
    Digitalización, edición digital y carga de datos
    Enterprise Solutions
    Desarrollo y soporte técnico
    Tom Johnson
    Home Seller

    "The team of agents went above and beyond to help me find the perfect home. Incredibly knowledgeable about the local market. Thanks to them, I found a home that exceeded all my expectations."


    Our achievement

    Best Office Award
    The finding perfect property should be a seamless.
    Luxury Living Award
    The finding perfect property should be a seamless.
    Real Estate Company at the Forefront
    The finding perfect property should be a seamless.
    Community Impact Award
    The finding perfect property should be a seamless.